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Resources Keyword 'legal standing'

The report examines legal frameworks in selected EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal) to assess whether they ensure…
Key issue: Denial of legal standing to appeal air quality plans. Key words: Legal standing, access to justice, air quality plans, particulate matter
Spanish Law 4/2021 on the recovery and protection of the Mar Menor recognised the rights of the Mar Menor lagoon ecosystem and its basin. The implementation of the new legal status allows for…
Key issue: Appeal against a cantonal decision of prolonging a camping site located in a nature reserve; access to justice – a decision by public authorities that may have an impact on nature…
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, explores the concept of “Rights of Nature…
Standing of environmental NGOs in species protection case.
Environmental NGO standing in administrative sanctioning procedure.
Standing – Those affected or likely to be affected by environmental damage must have access to justice to challenge such damage; this includes those with use rights that have been affected (such as…
The study examined legal questions on access to justice – of environmental-NGOs, individuals and municipalities – and the extent and the intensity of the judicial review which are of special…